jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

Alteraciones Cromosómicas

¿ Qué es la Meiosis?

   Es el proceso de división celular, propio de las células reproductoras, en el que se reduce a la mitad el número de cromosomas.

¿ Cómo se conecta la Meiosis con las alteraciones cromosómicas?

   Por lo general, las anomalías cromosómicas ocurren como consecuencia de un error producido en la división celular. "Meiosis" es el término que se utiliza para describir la división celular que atraviesan el óvulo y el espermatozoide durante el desarrollo. Normalmente, la meiosis causa la división del material cromosómico, de manera que cada padre aporte 23 cromosomas a un embarazo.

   Esto resulta en un óvulo o un espermatozoide que solo tiene 23 cromosomas. Cuando se produce la fertilización, se origina el número total normal de 46 cromosomas en el feto. Si la meiosis no se produce correctamente, un óvulo o un espermatozoide podría terminar con demasiados cromosomas o con una cantidad insuficiente de cromosomas. Luego de la fertilización, el bebé puede recibir un cromosoma adicional (lo que se denomina "trisomía") o tener un cromosoma en falta (lo que se llama "monosomía").

   Si bien en los embarazos que presentan una trisomía o una monosomía es posible llegar a término y puede nacer un niño con problemas de salud, también es posible que se produzca un aborto espontáneo o que el bebé nazca muerto, debido a la anomalía cromosómica. En estudios realizados en abortos espontáneos durante el primer trimestre, en aproximadamente un 60 por ciento (o más) de los casos se trataba de alguna anomalía cromosómica. En estudios realizados en bebés nacidos muertos, entre un 5 y un 10 por ciento de los casos presentaba alguna anomalía cromosómica

A continuación, algunos ejemplos de alteraciones cromosómicas

Síndrome de Turner, donde solo hay un cromosoma X (45, X o 45 X0)

Síndrome de Klinefelter, se da en el sexo masculino, también conocido como 47 XXY. Es causada por la adición de un cromosoma X.

Síndrome de Edwards, causado por una trisomía (tres copias) del cromosoma 18.

Síndrome de Down, causado por la trisomía del cromosoma 21.

Síndrome de Patau, causado por la trisomía del cromosoma 13.

martes, 21 de junio de 2016

The Wall - Pink Floyd

After watching the famous movie, "The Wall" we had to answers some questions based in what we saw and what we interpret from the vast amount of metaphors shown along the movie.

The boy sees masks on the faces of the people in the train. Later he sees similar masks on the faces of the children in his fantasy. What is the meaning of that?
Both in the real life (train) and in the boy's fantasy (with children) the people are the same, nothing has changed between real life and fantasy, meaning that the boy has lost his imagination because he was taught to think equally.
The riot scene ends and the camera returns to the boy in the classroom as the children recite the lesson. Think of a possible explanation for this.
The boy was thinking about that riot and that would that if he had the chance, he would cause or be part of the riot.
What kind of education does the movie portray? Use the song “The happiest days of our lives” to help you.
Taking into account the song, the education portrayed shows that the teacher hurt and disrespect his students as he receives the same behaviour from his psychopathic wife.
Education is only one of the various social institutions the movie deals with. What others did you notice and how are they portrayed?
The movie portrays many social institutions, education is one of those, however there are at least two more that we could identify: Goverment and Family. Goverment could be defined as the head social institution, the one which controls education and family. It is the institution which tells what to teach to the children, what social context do they have to live in, and the one which decides if children need education. The Goverment as social institution is the “head institution”, Pink Floyd critice the goverment for making and manupulating the entire system as they wished, the Goverment decided what children may think, and they also decided what the childrens family should encourage them to do.
We, in Argentina, often rely on education to solve most of our social problems. We blame education, or the lack of it, for many of them. Consider the huge success (described in the text below) of the song “Another brick in the wall” which claims “we don’t need no education” and compare it to what you think about education.
While the song is not the first example of the anti-education theme in popular music, it comes at a time when increasing numbers of students are questioning the value of their education. Thus, young people are responding to the song with uncommon — and unsettling — enthusiasm.
In May [1980], the South African government banned the song — and the album — "because "Another Brick" had become the anthem of a national strike of more than 10,000 "coloured"
(mixed) students and their white supporters. The students had been protesting the inequality of spending on education for the various races, as well as "intimidation" by teachers, whose authority the Pink Floyd song challenges. The government ban forbids radio stations to play the record, stores to sell it, and individuals to own it.

After reading the text, and realising the impact the song made in South Africa, and after reading the lyrics, we will compare them to what we consider education is. It is true that nowadays we blame the lack of education he distract the attention or simply to avoid deeper problems in society.  The song “Another Brick in The Wall” was used in South Africa as an anthem to national strikes.  The song was written to criticise the government of those days, and the strict control over children,  how authorities abused of their superiority to mock or to punish students and how the government of those days “shaped” kids to be one more brick, without any reasoning out of the box. Nowadays, everyone should access to a good education, in order to learn social parameters, and to prepare for future. We think that, if education is not used as a method to “shape bricks”, then it should be compulsory and everyone should get free access to it.
Up to what extent is education a way of “thought control”?
Education can easily used as a way of “thought control”, because it is a huge social institution in which many parents trust and where they send their kids to learn. Furthermore, parents are not present while their kids learn, so the institution can argue that they are teaching maths when really they are teaching not to think “out of the box”. It could be consider as one of the mayor's “thoughts controllers”.

Explain the meaning of the double-hammer symbol. Use the scene “In the flesh” to answer.
The meaning of the double-hammer symbol take us to a history episode that may represent fascism or even Nazism as the hammers can form the swastika. Also, the symbol represents oppression and a cause to feel terror. Towards the scene “In the flesh” Pink shows himself as Hitler in a way, being mean to the “audience”.
The children falling into the meat grinder is a visual metaphor that makes a powerful point. What is the metaphor and what point does it make?
The scene where the children are falling into the meat grinder has to do with the plans that the system requires towards the kids, the children are reformed in a way that all will be mentally the same.
What is the wall? Can you say whether it is a good thing or not?
The wall is a mentally object that is considered as a separation from you and the outside world. Throughout our years of life, our actions made the wall in consequence. It may be portrayed as a good thing the wall, because it separates you from the things you fell uninteresting or dangerous but also it gives the idea of complete isolation, for example, the scene where Pink is in that hotel room thinking about his memories.

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

L' Alliance Française


   Le mardi 17 mai, nous sommes allés au pittoresque et ancien bâtiment de
 L´Alliance française. Nous sommes arrivés à 10h30 pour une journée très magnifique. Mais, malheureusement, nous sommes arrivés en retard !
   L’alliance était une construction fantastique, ancienne à l’extérieur mais moderne à l’intérieur. La médiathèque était un endroit contemporain et très technologique. Puis la bibliothécaire elle était agréable et drôle. Les étudiants nous avons eu une expérience excellente avec elle.
   Nous nous sommes divisés en groupes en fonction de notre utilisation de la langue pour des activités intéressants. Certains de nous nous avons fait des activités de niveau A1, et le reste des étudiants nous avons fait des activités de niveau A2. Nous avons fait quelques exercices pour la recherche dans les livres. Par exemple, nous avons cherché des informations sur SCI-fi pour remplir certaines données. De cette façon, nous évaluions notre compréhension.
Après nous avons fait des activités orales qui ont enrichi notre prononciation. La coordinatrice elle était sympathique, très agréable. Non seulement le personnel dans l’alliance nous a parlé en français, mais aussi nous a aidé à mieux comprendre et plus de vocabulaire.
Cette expérience nous a servi pour améliorer nos compétences avec la langue française et aussi élargir nos connaissances.