domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Carpeta Plástica 015


Comenzamos el 2015 con la caratula, usando técnica libre.

Luego, nuestra profesora nos dio la tarea  de realizar una composición personal. Incluyendo en ésta objetos  que creíamos esenciales en nuestra vida cotidiana.Técnica libre.

 Pero después, Flor, nos dio la consigna de observar a personas trabajando, y tratar de retratarlos lo mejor posible, con la técnica de empaste.

A partir de esto, ya nos comenzábamos a sumergir en el mundo de la observación, es decir, tomar fotos, capturar el momento y luego retratarlos.

A la izquierda, observamos un árbol, y trabajamos este con la técnica de impresionismo. Cabe mencionar que el Impresionismo es un movimiento pre-Vanguardista

                                                                      Aquí, observamos el entorno del colegio y utilizamos valores de línea.   


Una vez que sabíamos que era la fotografía y como usarla a nuestro favor para plasmar un momento. Flor nos introdujo el vídeo arte. Una técnica en la cual se intenta transmitir un mensaje a partir de la combinación de fotos y música. Nosotros usamos luces, linternas y las utilizamos para sacar fotos y confeccionar nuestro vídeo arte. Usamos las luces, ya que es el año de la Luz.


A mediados de año, empezamos a estudiar las Vanguardias Artísticas del siglo XX. Pero, qué son las Vanguardias? se refiere a las personas o a las obras que son experimentales o innovadoras, en particular en lo que respecta al arte, la cultura, la política y la literatura.

El vanguardismo representa un empuje de los límites de lo que se acepta como la norma , sobre todo en el ámbito cultural. La noción de la existencia del vanguardismo es considerado por algunos como una característica del modernismo.

Sus características:
La lucha contra las tradiciones, procurando el ejercicio de la libertad individual y la innovación;
Audacia y libertad de la forma.
El carácter experimental y la rapidez con que se suceden las propuestas, unas tras otras

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Vested Interest - Mad Men

We watched a short fragment from Mad Men and we took it as an example of vested interest in companies, in daily life.
 To begin with, what is vested interest? Is the interest of someone in influencing something so that you can continue to benefit from it, it can include the distortion or hiding of information.
Where can we find vested interest in this scene? In Don's idea, when he proposes to sell to the public something that is harmful, but not to inform the audience. He is hiding some of the information, wich if people get to know will affect the selling, so Don avoids the truth and tries to get profit from this. But before, we can see a previous proposal, Peter's. And why is it rejected? Simple, Peter in his idea accepts that the cigarrettes are harmful, and that soon or late people will die. He says everything is dangerous in this world, including cigarrettes, but for Peter, people doesn't have to worry and enjoy life.

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

Recette pour crêpes

Liste des ingrédients: 

  • 250g de farine
  • 4 oeufs
  • 500cm de lait
  •  Sel
  • 50 grammes de beurre
  • 1 sachet de sucre vanillé
  • 1 cuillère à soupe 


Mettez la farine dans un saladier.  Ajoutez le sel, puis les œufs, lait et battre bien. Laisser reposer 5 minutes. Après, mettre du beurre dans une casserole et puis mettez la pâte certains une/deux.


  • La pâte doit être lisse, mais pas épais
  • Laisser reposer la pâte au réfrigérateur avant faire de crêpes

lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

Women and their influence during war time along human history

 Traditionally, men have gone to war, and women have "kept the home fires burning." They have also taken care of their families, have taken over the men's jobs, and sometimes went to war themselves; in earlier/older times, sometimes disguised as a man. Some women where rulers, and more recently some women heads of state, have led their people in or to war. We will analyze to what extent has the contribution of women in the different wars throughout the centuries has been essential.

To begin with, one of the first examples of women related to war was the last Pharaoh of Egypt, or more commonly known as Cleopatra Queen of Egypt. Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt, she was the daughter of Cleopatra V Trifena and from Plotemy XII, from which she will inherit the throne at the age of 17 years old together with her brother Ptolemy XIII, which was 12 years old and in a close future was going to be her husband. Later, during her power, Ptolemy XII kicked her out from the throne and obliged her to exile to Siria. From Siria, Cleopatra pretended to form a huge army and reclaim hers place in the power. In the year 48 bC Julius Caesar arrived to Alexandria and promised Cleopatra to help her. After a year, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra won over Ptolemy XII, and Julius proclaimed Cleopatra as the new Queen of Egypt. Caesar was assassinated and Marc Antony surged in the life of Cleopatra. Cleopatra and Marc Antony had a romance, which resulted with two babies and in a third baby 5 years later. Octavious declares the war to Marc Antony and Cleopatra and they were defeated, and both Marc Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide and were buried together. Cleopatra was an extraordinary, clever and exceptional manipulator. She used alliances to avoid/stop famines in Egypt several times;, when she was exiled, she search for foreign help and she made an alliance with Julius Caesar. Moreover, she did not only create a military relationship with Rome, she also created a sentimental bond with one of the greatest politicians of all the times.

 On the other hand, Margaret Thatcher involved two countries in a war while she was sitting in her sofa, the war of Malvinas. The cause of this war, was the intent from part of Argentina to claim the soberany of the islands. Margaret Thatcher was the prime minister of Great Britain during the war of Malvinas, she was a tough ruler which ruled Britain with a hard hand and changed the country with her liberal politics. For being a prime minister, she showed her leadership in several instances, for example in april 1982, when she ordered the deployment of military forces into the South Atlantic aiming to regain the Malvinas. Margaret made it clear that she did not regret about anything in a manuscript she wrote giving her opinion about the war. “How can we ask our armed forces who risk their lives just to contemplate a withdrawal if the Argentines wanted to play that way? Once we got us was To finish the job " she wrote. The 2nd of may of 1982, she authorized the attack of the HMS Conqueror submarine to the cruise Manuel Belgrano, "We knew what we had to do, went and did. Britain is great again," said Thatcher.

  In conclusion, the role of women during war time was varied, they did kept the house fire burning and sometimes they did get their hands dirty. They used different techniques to their own favor or to their village like we have seen in the case of Cleopatra in Egypt. They also contributed to the war being spies of taking important decisions from the comfort of a sofa. So, not only men went to war, women also did, directly or undirectly, they stood at home contributing as they could or they went to hell personally.