jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Activités quotidiennes

A continuación, les dejo un trabajo acerca de la vida cotidiana de un personaje que realizé con una compañera....

Puis je pésente un travail avec ma copine dans la classe de français et de TICs sur les activités quotidiennes dans un programme qui s´ appelle Pixton. Il est très intéressant! Regarde notre production!

Les dejo los links, espero que les guste:

 Primera parte

Segunda parte

Tercera parte

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

"My Greatest Ambition"

 I'm proud of my son, his surname is written on the back of a famous comic enterprise...He will be remembered in our family forever. He was inherited his father's talent. In fact, I'll start my own comic and then send it to a publisher.
 But, more important, it's the money!!! If he continues creating comics, we'll become rich. He could feed and give luxuries for plenty of our generation. We could live in a palace, instead of this old brick house...
 They will treat me like a king, in my job!. " Oh look, there's the father of the next Stran Lee", they will whisper. Even I could get a better position... Maybe the assistant of the boss... All this because of a comic strip my son did, I must buy something...